Sunday, August 31, 2008

I'm in a cookin' mood!!

I just had to share with you all what I have cooked up lately, and tell you that I'm in the mood to cook today! I've got dinner in crockpot, potato soup on the stove for lunch, and I called my husband and told him to buy some eggs so I can make some muffins! Wooooh! I am on a roll!

So, below you will find what I am cooking for dinner. It's called Burgundy Beef, and the recipe can be found at my good friend Dawn's recipe blog.
And can I just say, it is lookin' delicious and I just put it in!

Here is the potato soup I am making for lunch. It's super easy, and I make it for dinner most times. Here it is cooking as we speak, and here is the recipe.

Potato Soup

2 large cans chunky potato soup

~ 1 envelope Uncle Ben's Wild Rice--microwaveable pouch
~ 4 cups half and half
~1 can crumbled bacon bits

~2 cups shredded chedder cheese

Microwave the rice and then dump everything together and heat. Serve when warm. You can top with sliced green onions if you life.

This recipe is also from Dawn's recipe blog.
She gave this to me a couple of years ago, and it's so simple and good! Try it sometime!

Also, here is picture of the spagetti pie I made last week. Umm, delicious as well! I'm sorry if I'm making anyone hungry! :)

I also made some Banana oatmeal cookies for the kids last week (and for us bigger kids). Those were a hit.

Well, I just wanted to share some recent recipes I've tried this week. I'm trying to this more, so I can establish new meals for the family, and have fun in the process. I love to cook! Have a great Sunday, and you all know what I'll be doing!

Friday, August 29, 2008

. How far in advance do you start getting ready for back-to-school (whether for your own kids, or for yourself when you were in school)?

I start thinking of it pretty far in advance, and we start buying clothes a shoes typically 1 week before. Didn't go as planned this year, and we still need to buy for our oldest daughter. Not a big deal though, it will get done! We bought school supplies late this year too, we didn't have a list.

2. Do you have any picky eaters who need special considerations for lunches? What does a typical bagged lunch look like in your house?

My son is getting pickier everyday, so I try to make sure everything I pack is approved first ;) I want him to eat it all since he's in school all day now. He buys lunch as well because he loves everything they have! I will be switching back and forth through the week. The first lunch I packed for him consisted of a juice box, grapes, and lunchable that had cookies and ingredients to make a cracker sandwich! You know, lunch meat and cheese. It was a hit with him, but I won't do that every time.

3. What school supply items do you skimp on and what are you willing to shell out the big bucks for?

I didn't skimp. I got everything on the list because I know he will want to use the things. He is our little artist :)

4. Do you get your kids up, or do they get up on their own? Any snooze-hitters that have trouble waking up? How about the opposite, any kids that are up at the crack of dawn?

I have to get all of them up. It takes about 10 minutes to get my son out of bed, and the girls are much easier. Next week, I will be getting all of them up at the same time! ;( Wish me luck!

5. Any cafeteria horror stories? Is school food as bad as they say?

Their school food is great, and he loves it! We are very fortunate.

6. How important is it to you to make sure your kids have the latest styles and trendiest accessories?

Gabriel wears a uniform since he goes to private school (it's Catholic). I love it, and the fact that he's a boy makes it even easier! With the girls it might be a little harder, even with a uniform! They have jean day once a month though, so that's nice. I do all the shopping for him , and he pretty much just wears whatever I buy. He does seem to have a certain taste though, because he'll pick up certain shirts and say, " this one is really cool". Then, he'll want to wear that piece no matter what time of year it is! I had to fight with this summer over wearing one of his sweaters! Yeah, he's a crazy kid :)

7. Remember the movie Kindergarten Cop? If Arnold Schwarzenegger was your child's new kindergarten teacher, how would you feel?

I would feel like,"Ok, maybe he can make him listen! :)

I'm very excited about this weeks S&T because the theme is "Dreaming of Autumn". Love it, love it! What's ironic is that what I have to "show" I picked out before I knew this theme!

So, on with the "show". One of my very good friends was so thoughtful and sent me a couple of things that she spotted and knew I would love! Love ya girl! She is such a sweet person. She knows me and how much I love fall and decorating.

Here is what she got me:
2 packs of flavored coffee, a decorative resin pumpkin, and a caramel apple with a remover lid! Another thing she sent that you don't see was a pack of brownie bites! And quess where I put them? Well in the caramel apple of course! The little candle sitting there is one I purchased the other day. I couldn't help myself, it's pumpkin spice scent! Ummmm!!

Here is the pumpkin; I love what it says, "Praise God from whom all blessings flow".

Can wait to drink some of this coffee! One of the flavors is caramel apple :)Here is the apple. I should've taken a picture with the lid off, but I didn't want to tempt anyone with what was inside ;)

Thanks so much Dawn! You are such a good friend and a sweatheart! Happy S&T everyone!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

1. When I'm sick I'm very needy and want my hubby to be with me and take care of me. :) I just want a lot of extra TLC. I also want to just lay down, like most people would when you're sick! :)

2. When I take a walk, I think about what is starting or ending in my day. I like to reflect also. Best of all though, I love to just watch nature. I look for animals, and I teach my kids to do the same thing. I myself am just a big kid at times! :)

3. Money can't buy happiness but it can reduce stress and be a very good thing if you don't use it the wrong way or let it take over your life. I have known people that have been in both scenarios, and it never turns out good. Speaking of money, I could definitely use a little right now!

4. Cotton makes me think of something that is very versatile. It can be dressed up or dressed down, and I love it! I love cotton and I am so incredibly comfortable in it, and that's what I'm all about! and leather makes me think of someday owning a really great leather jacket or blazer. I can dream, right? Or maybe I could ask Santa ;)

5. The strangest person/character I've had lewd thoughts about was no one. Wait, maybe my husband? ;)

6. My favorite color these days is anything that surrounds me in warmth. In my house, I'm really loving the Warm Buff color we have on our walls. It's in our entryway, hallway upstairs and now in our bathroom. I painted that last weekend. I'm working on the dining room next, and I would love to go with a color that has a mix of orange with the Warm Buff color. I love that kind of mix because it reminds me of fall!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to eating pizza and watching a movie with my kids, tomorrow my plans include nothing concrete yet and Sunday, I want to just be and not clean!

Participate, it's fun! Just go here, and have a great weekend!

Hello everyone! This the 160th edition of Thursday Thirteen!

So this week I chose to share 13 things I have bought this week. Between school clothes, supplies, and a few things in between, this one was an easy one for me. Enjoy!

1. Tennis shoes for Gabriel-He is a size two! Can you believe it?

2. School shoes for Ella-We got these in black. She is a size 12.

3. Black shoes for Ariana-These will be worn with sooo much! And even better, all of these shoes were on sale! The guy told at Kohls told us they are marking down more shoes on Sep. 4th.

4. A pair of shoes for myself :) - I hardly ever buy shoes, but when I saw these on the sale rack, I couldn't pass them up! They were too cute and too cheap!! I paid a whopping 5.49 for them! Even better, I can wear them as the weather starts to get cooler! Yay!

5. Rob also let me buy a tank top for myself, that I will layer with shirts this fall. I couldn't resist the color-it reminded me of fall! Here is a picture! And once again, on sale!

6. A pair of tennis shoes for Rob-and boy did he need them! They are an essential for his work, and his were literally falling apart! He waited too long because he doesn't buy things for himself unless he absolutely has too! What a sweet husband, he puts us first!

7. Jean bermuda shorts for ariana

8. 2 pairs of uniform shorts for Gabriel-navy blue and khaki

9. Two sparkly tees for Ariana- One colared shirt as well (below)

10. An outfit for Ariana's first day of school-we let her pick it out. She didn't want a dress like mommy wanted for her. She opted for a preppy uniform type plaid skirt with a cute layered tee to go with it! Now I just need to get her some knee high socks and she'll be set! :) Her skirt looks very similar to this:

11. 2 packs of 8 chubby crayons for the girls-that was the extent of their school supply list! Easy enough!

12. School supplies for Gabriel- There were about a dozen things, not including tissues! It could've been worse, right? I'm so excited for him though, and most of the stuff was pretty cheap! Having three kids in school gets expensive!

13. This shirt in purple for Ella! - we're buying more for her next week, next pay day!
My "3" is pretty simple:

There are three more days left in August! I simply can't believe it is August 28th already, and that September 1st is literally right around the corner! My oh my, how time flies! And of course, if you read my blog, you know my enthusiasm for the fall season!

So, as we count down the last few days of the month, I will be counting the days 'till the first day of the new season!

When fall officially begins:
September 22, 2008 at 11:44 am EDT

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Ten Things You Didn't Like About School

1. Clicks
2. Homework
3. Studying
4. Choir performances in front of the student body
5. Most of the other girls-I had all guy friends mostly
6. Deciding what to wear every morning!
7. Getting up!!
8. Having to ride the bus
9. My History and Math class
10.My locker- I could never remember the combination! :)

I always struggled in school, in more ways than one. I barely graduated high school, and the kids were just not nice. I switched schools a couple of times in junior high, so that left me as sort of an odd one out for a while. Then in high school, I was focused more on boys and one serious boyfriend until my senior year. That, once again, left me as kind of the odd one because I wouldn't socialize too much with the rest of my class (He was in the class ahead of me). I kind of shunned people away because I was just too busy with him to have any friends. I really regret that to this day, and I wish people from my class could've known me better. I wish I would've let them know me. But the past is the past, and it made me who I am. Boy, this weeks Ten on Tuesday sure brings back memories ;)

Monday, August 25, 2008

1. What are you up to today? Be specific. We’ve talked about your morning routine before, now walk us through a typical Monday for you after breakfast is over. How do you feel about Mondays? A fresh start to your week? Or do you dread the drudge of getting back to the same old routine?

Well, it's not as busy this Monday as it will be on a "typical" Monday from now on. I got Gabriel off to his first day of school, which is the big thing for today. He said he wanted brownies for a snack, so I will be making those here in a little bit (I let him pick out food choices for today). Then, I will head to the bus stop a little after 11:00 to get Gabriel (It's only a half day today). Then, it will be lunch time, play time for the kids, rest time soon after, karate, dinner and bed time! When he starts a full day it will much busier and I will be feeling the crunch! Especially on MWF. I believe this Monday is a fresh start because this is the beginning of the rest of the school year! It's very exciting! Now, when I start school, I might have a different attitude, but hopefully not! :)

2. Earworms - we all get them from time-to-time. What tune do you have stuck in your head at the moment? How important is music to your life? List some of your favorite songs - and I’m talking about songs that evoke a strong emotion in you; joy, anger, sadness, etc. Do you have one particular song that brings back a certain time period in your life? What is the song and what is the time period?

I have a Brandon Heath song in my head. The name of it is "Steady now". This is going on the second week. It doesn't help that Ariana goes around singing it! The only song I can think of is the song that Rob and I call "our song". It's by East 17 (they are a European group) and it's called "stay another day". I get the flutters in my chest when I think of or when I hear that song. It played on the radio in Germany when we had our smooch!!

3. Who have you needed to say thank you to lately? Who is this person and what did he/she do to prompt a thank you?

I need to thank my children for all of their love and affection! I never really say that to them! They need to hear it too, because they are extra sweet! :)

4. How many candles will be on your birthday cake this next birthday? What do you think about the age you are now? Are you comfortable with what you’ve accomplished in life so far? Or do you wish you could have achieved more? You’re being granted one birthday wish - what is it?

On my next birthday, there will be candles on my cake but probably not too many! Rob might put 11 candles on there. Can you quess how old I will be? Also, I am proud of what I've done in my life. I'm not done with my accomplishments though, there is so much more to come! I will be proud of myself if I get through the next phase starting in February, and I'm going to need all the guidance I can get! :) I love my life, and I wouldn't change it for the world! I am not just saying that either, I truly love my life! I am very blessed to have the husband and children I have, and equally blessed for the love and support I receive.

As far as a birthday wish, if I told you, it wouldn't come true now would it? :)

If you want to participate, click here!

First day of first grade!!

It's hard to believe that another school year has started already. Gabriel headed off with daddy this morning to his first day of first grade. I had that feeling as soon as I got him out of bed this morning. You know, that surreal feeling like this wasn't really happening. I said to myself, "already?" I am truly happy for him though, and excited myself! Thankfully, he is also very excited to see what 1st grade will be like! I feel like here lately I need the structure that school provides. We will have a set schedule as soon as he starts a full day, which is this Wednesday. Between homework, dinner, karate 3 days a week, and everything in between, it's going to be very busy to say the least. You have to have a set time for everything with that kind of schedule. It will be interesting to see how long it takes us to get in the swing of things! :) To all of you reading this who are going through the same thing, I wish you luck and hope that God guides you through every step!

Here are some pics of our little man! He's getting so big!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

My personality by time of day

You are Sunrise

You enjoy living a slow, fulfilling life. You enjoy living every moment, no matter how ordinary.
You are a person of reflection and meditation. You start and end every day by looking inward.
Caring and giving, you enjoy making people happy. You're often cooking for friends or buying them gifts.
All in all, you know how to love life for what it is - not for how it should be.

Want to know what time of day you are? Take the quiz!

Friday, August 22, 2008

1. Dancing to the music while with my kids makes me laugh!

2. The last time I flew on an airplane I nearly got sick!

3. When I drive I relax and talk to God.

4. I saw my son standing at the top of our steps during rest time.

5. Give me a peace of mind, give me Peace in my house, give me a little more money!

6. Next week I am looking forward to taking my son to school for his first day in first grade!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to having friends over and nice conversations, tomorrow my plans include clothes shopping for the girls and going to chuck e cheese and Sunday, I want to go to the store and prepare for Gabriel's first day of school!

1. Are you right- or left-handed?

Right Handed

2. Any nicknames they have (or have had) and the story behind them?


3. Do you need to do laundry right now?

Of course, always! It's not as bad as it could be though! :)

4. What CD is in your CD player/music on your iPod right now?

I have Brandon Heath in the CD Rom that I've been listening to every now and then. I love him! And my kids love him too! They sing along with me!

5. How/when did you learn to ride a bicycle?

I was about 5 years old and a neighborhood boy taught me how on his little red bicycle. He was my age, but he had known how for a while. Ya know what's crazy?! My son is six years old, and he's still got training wheels on his bike. You know what he said yesterday? " Mommy, I don't want the training wheels off my bike, they're cool!" How cute is that?!

6. What is your favorite weird food combination?

A jelly and butter sandwich, Peanut butter and banana sandwich (my husband thinks it's weird), a baked potato with macaroni on the side :), and that's about all I can think of at the moment! :)

7. What is something you have that is of sentimental value?

I have a couple of items that used to be my Grandma's. Well, I actually grew up calling her Yay yay, which is Grandmother in Greek. No, we're not greek, she just told us that's what she was to be called because "Grandma" made her sound "old". She was such a hoot! One of items is a small, round, glass holder with a very unique lid. The other is a velvet lined box, and I'm ashamed to say I don't know where it is. We also own a framed writing of the Lord's Prayer that was my husband's Grandmother's. She passed away 2 years ago, and I called her Grandma. The picture is hanging in our living room, right by the window. It's beautiful. It looks like it's written on gold leaf. I keep some other things out that were part of my husband's family, and each item is such a reminder of the ones lost and still loved. I believe it's so important to keep those things as part of your home.

This is the framed Lord's Prayer

Here is a close-up of it

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Gabriel's karate testing!

Gabriel had his karate testing last Friday night, and he did great! He went from an orange belt to being an orange belt decided. There is a black stripe on this one instead of being just a solid orange. After this, comes the yellow belt. I'm so proud of him, and he is truly proud of what he does. Although, he won't show us any karate moves. Rob peeked outside one day and some Gabriel doing some moves on the deck, but as soon as Rob opened the door, he stopped. He refused to show Rob what he was doing! :) It was cute. I think he feels like this is his own thing, so he wants to keep it to himself. Here are some pictures:

Here he is hanging out with friends before hand. He is the blonde sitting down.
Here they are warming up!

They are all bowing here to start the testing.

Here he is testing. The woman there does the moves with him. All of the younger kids do this.

More testing!

Here is our karate boy with his new belt! Yeah Gabriel!

Thursday Thirteen- 13 reasons I'm looking forward to fall

~13 Reasons I'm looking forward to fall~

1. School starts! ~ The kids and I are both ready! Gabriel starts 1st grade, and the girls will be in pre-school opposite days of the week. We are all ready for the structure that school provides. Summer is a break for the hustle and bustle of the school year, but now that August is halfway through, enough already!

2. Crisp days, cool nights! ~
I think we could all agree that there's something about the fall air. Although the temps. here haven't been bad at all, the feel of fall air as soon as it hits your face is just breathtaking! It seems like you can actually smell the air! I love it!

3. Keeping the air conditioner off, for good!
~ I think this one speaks for itself!

4. Hayrides and fall festivals galore!~
I love the activity of festival hopping! If there isn't such thing, well, I just invented it! :) When it's fall, it seems at every turn there is sign posted for a festival that's taking place. Most of them are free, or atleast pretty affordable, so we attend them pretty often. In the fall we always know that if all else fails, we can get in the car and go to a festival!

5. Mums! ~
I love mums! They are, to me, a sign that you know fall is soon to come. They have beautiful blooms and beautiful colors, and they are so harty! I planted some in my garden last season, and what do ya know, they came back!! I had to pick the blooms off of them in July because they started to bloom so soon! I was so excited though to them come back. I got my money's worth, and I will be buying some from the kids school to decorate the porch. They are one of the first things I put out! I just love them!

6. Picking pumpkins~
What greater tradition in the fall than picking a pumpkin to carve! Or in our case, picking 4, one for us, and one for each of the kids. We just started carving together last year ( I let the two older kids help with theirs) and they loved it! Something magical for them to look forward to!

7. Two birthdays!
We celebrate the girl's birthdays! Ella's is in mid September, and Ariana's is just two days before Halloween! This year, I'm doing something different and I will be making Ariana's cake myself. I have chosen to make it a fall theme, of course! I'm excited about that, and I'm sure she won't mind. :) It's a busy time for Birthdays here in the fall, but we love it!

8. Decorating~
For those of you who don't know me, decorating is a hobby of mine and a passion. I love to experiment with my house, and it seems I'm always rearranging furniture or pictures! It's always a work in progress, but I just love to make our house warm and inviting! I especially look forward to putting my fall decorations up outside, as well as inside. Every surface is decorated with something "Fall", but in a very tasteful way. I even have fall hand towels for the kitchen! I don't think it's too much, I just think I'm providing an environment for every season. The fall season even inspired the color I picked for an accent wall in our living room. It's called mid evil gold, and it just reminds me of the season. I want to follow that same idea in our bedroom, dining room and bathroom. This color below is similar to the color on our accent wall.

9. Trick-or-Treating~
Once again, this one speaks for itself, doesn't it?! The kids are on cloud nine from the time they wake up till the very late time they go to bed. I love seeing them so happy!

10. Snuggling (even by myself) under a warm blanket-
I have to admit, I love to relax and watch T.V. as soon as I put the kids to bed. As it starts getting cooler outside though, I can add a blanket to the scenario, and what a better way to end the hectic day!? Who says you have to be in bed to cover up! ;)

11. Wearing my comfiest pajamas!~
Once again, this ties in with #10. I love to get comfy and toasty on cool days and nights. I'm talking fleece EVERYTHING and socks and slippers on top of it all! Head to toe fleece usually doesn't happen until later in the fall though! :)

12. Going leaf collecting with the kids!~
This is one of our family traditions, and we do it on more than one occasion. Last year, I took the girls around the neighborhood while Gabriel was in school. This year, I'll try to take them on the weekend so he can be involved in our initial leaf hunt. And it's a learning experience on top of it, and you can't beat that!

13. And last, but certainly not least, the colors of fall! ~
By far, my big reason for loving fall! Golds, oranges, deep browns, reds, yellows, the colors are everywhere! There's nothing more beautiful than a spread of trees that have been hit with the season! Natures beauty is amazing and shows it's splendor in the fall more than any time of the year!
Here is a picture of some beautiful fall foliage just north of here. Spectacular!

Monday, August 11, 2008

My First Blog Award!

I received my first blog award from my good friend Dawn!
Thanks so much, and not only are you a friend and supporter of my blog, you are a true friend in life minus the internet! :) Anyone who is reading this, I hope you have a friend like her in your life, because she has truly blessed mine. Thank you.

1. The winner can put the logo on his/her blog.
2. Link to the person you received the award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put links to those blogs on your blog.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of the people you have nominated.

I haven't been a blogger for very long, but these are people that have either visited my blog, or they are ones that I found and visit often. Thanks so much you all and enjoy your award! I appreciate you all so much and you are some of the first blogs I ever visited!

So, here are the people I nominate:

Heather and Reese: kicking-it-in-crazyville!

Life in Words

My life as Annie



Karen- I love the Monday Morning Meme!

5 minutes for mom!

1. What is the last thing you attempted to quit? How did you do it and were you successful?

Well, I attempted to quit school last year, but I realized I needed to keep going and had to tell myself, "I can do this." I continued, and although I'm not going into the program I was originally going for, God had different plans and I'll be heading to an LPN program!

2. Are you a roller coaster sort of person (impulsive, takes chances, likes to live in the fast lane), or a merry-go-round sort of person (slow, steady, predictable, peaceful)? This is an excellent excuse to do a little self-analysis! :D

I have to say, I don't like either ride :) I get sick when I go in circles, and I can really only tolerate those small, wooden coasters. I once rode a standing roller coaster, and I have never felt so scared. I can't believe I didn't get sick! To continue though, I am a merry-go-round sort of person. Although my moods vary from day to day it seems, I love my as a mother and wife. I love our home, and I love to take care of it. I like to go on a hike or two and absolutely LOVE to travel, but that is about as adventurous as I get!

3. Have you ever worn your slippers, or pajamas, in public? If so, when and why? If not, would you ever consider leaving your house looking less than your best? What do you think of people who do so? (Be honest, we all judge on some level).

I have never worn my pajamas or slippers in public during my adult years. In high school I think we had a pajama day and I wore my lounge pants, but that's as far as I've gone and will go! :) I like to wear track pants with tennis shoes to run errands on occasion, but most of the time you can find me in blue jeans of some kind!
Also, when I see people in very "relaxed" clothing, I just think, "to each his own". They're comfortable in what they are wearing and that's simply their decision...I just choose not to go that way. :)

4. If you could go back and tell your 13-year-old self one thing about the future, what would you say?

I would most definitely tell myself to take it all in! Take in what your teachers are telling you and stop socializing, enjoy the environment and don't sweat the small stuff! I would also tell myself that I can go to college and do well, so make sure to try it!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Gabriel's new lunch bag

I bought a lunch bag online today for Gabriel. I have been looking , and it seems they are all either too tiny or have some kind of character on them. Well, Gabriel is not really into any characters at the moment, so I decided to just order one from L.L. Bean. I wanted to go with one that was sturdy and more affordable than the other ones. What's nice is, without the shipping cost, it is only a few more bucks than the tiny ones you can get at most stores. I figure Gabriel needs one that is going to last and hold up to his roughness (he's definitely not as gentle as the girls with his belongings). I really love the quality of their products, and plan to buy them for the girls when they start school (and maybe get their backpacks from there as well). Any way, here is a picture of the one I ordered. He chose this print out of all the colors. I hope he still likes it when he sees it! You never know with kids!

This bag has got a lot of room inside and the reviews sound great! It's supposed to be bigger than it looks and easy to clean. And with Gabriel, darker colors are always good! :)

Friday, August 8, 2008

1. My favorite bedtime attire is soft, comfy pants and an even softer shirt! :)

2. The perfect meal would include pasta with a hearty side of breadsticks and salad and a big glass of Riesling wine!!

3. The most memorable girl's night out I've ever had was when my good friend Corrie had her baccelerate party. That was in 19__/2007. I was 27-years-old.

4. My earliest memory is playing in the apartment complex we lived in when I was four. I don't remember much from that age, so I can't believe that I can remember that!

5. The family is gone for the evening and I will spend my time cleaning a little with a glass of wine and then sitting down with a movie on and candles lit. Ahhhh!!

6. Right now I am needing to eat some lunch and thinking of things I need to be getting done!

7. When I am done blogging, I am going to put Gabriel Karate uniform in the wash, eat something, put Ariana down for a nap and then enjoy a little time to myself, hopefully!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

1. You know you're old when you're up past your bedtime... at 8 PM!

2. My heart is divided between being critical of my husband and just loving him.

3. A chill pill is what I need RIGHT NOW!

4. I have felt the love , I have known the depths of it as well.

5. Gah, won't these people open up their eyes and know they're blessed.

6. Make life a good time as soon as you can!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to going to Gabriel's Karate testing and seeing a good friend, tomorrow my plans include nothing concrete and Sunday, I want to make a nice breakfast for the kids and spend time with Rob and the kids!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Things you can do in your own backyard!

So, the kids got to experience something new and exciting this weekend. Can you quess what? Well Sunday, at the last minute, I decided to let the kids camp out in the backyard! They got to camp with a friend, which is even better! And thanks to my good friend Gretchen, who provided the tents and firepit, they had a full-fledged camp-out experience! They roasted marshmallows, and we made smores of course! They looked up the entire time they roasting just admiring the stars, every last one. I am so glad we made that decision at the last minute. If we would've waited for the "perfect" time, it probably wouldn't have happened. It turned out to be a perfect night for it though, weather and all.

My friend and I slept with the boys in a bigger tent, and Ella and Ariana slept in a tiny little tent that was all their own. It was uncomfortable for me and I got little sleep, but a friend reminded me, "You'll do it again for your kids". "Yes, I will", I thought.

Here are some pics from the "camp out". Didn't get too many because it started getting dark out. Enjoy these though! And next time you're trying to think of something free to do with your kids that is different and fun? Just consider camping out in your own backyard! And don't forget the smores!! :)

Here are Gabriel, Ella and Samuel jumping on the trampoline while we get things ready!

Here are the tents all set up!

Here are the kids and their friend Samuel with his mom Gretchen. We're getting ready to roast!

Enjoying the warm fire! :)

Our neighbor and friend Mark also joined in on the fun! He got a helping of lasagna I made for helping with the tents :) There's Rob at the right of him

It was something they won't soon forget, and I have a feeling we'll be hearing more requests for a "camp out" as some time passes!! :)