Friday, August 29, 2008

I'm very excited about this weeks S&T because the theme is "Dreaming of Autumn". Love it, love it! What's ironic is that what I have to "show" I picked out before I knew this theme!

So, on with the "show". One of my very good friends was so thoughtful and sent me a couple of things that she spotted and knew I would love! Love ya girl! She is such a sweet person. She knows me and how much I love fall and decorating.

Here is what she got me:
2 packs of flavored coffee, a decorative resin pumpkin, and a caramel apple with a remover lid! Another thing she sent that you don't see was a pack of brownie bites! And quess where I put them? Well in the caramel apple of course! The little candle sitting there is one I purchased the other day. I couldn't help myself, it's pumpkin spice scent! Ummmm!!

Here is the pumpkin; I love what it says, "Praise God from whom all blessings flow".

Can wait to drink some of this coffee! One of the flavors is caramel apple :)Here is the apple. I should've taken a picture with the lid off, but I didn't want to tempt anyone with what was inside ;)

Thanks so much Dawn! You are such a good friend and a sweatheart! Happy S&T everyone!


Ingrid said...

That is very nice of your friend to send you so beautiful gifts !

Kellie said...

Such beautiful gifts! Caramel apple coffee?!? Please share! :-) I just finished a caramel truffel coffee - it was YUMMY! I have to find some caramel apple though!

Kelli said...

What a wonderful friend you have! All of your gifts are beautiful and I especially love the apple dish!

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

I just posted today the same little pumpkin. Mine has a different phrase! Obviously, we like the same things!!

Little GrumpyAngel said...

Great show and tell. You make me want fall to be here like right now! What a wonderful friend you ahve to gift you with such cute stuff.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you're all set for fall! They re all so cute.

Carla said...

How nice! VERY Autumn and VERY sweet-candy in a jar wouldn't last a minute round here!

Anonymous said...

Love the apple & pumpkin. It's nice having a friend who knows you like that. I have a few too including dh.