Hello everyone! This the 160th edition of Thursday Thirteen!
So this week I chose to share 13 things I have bought this week. Between school clothes, supplies, and a few things in between, this one was an easy one for me. Enjoy!
1. Tennis shoes for Gabriel-He is a size two! Can you believe it?

2. School shoes for Ella-We got these in black. She is a size 12.

3. Black shoes for Ariana-These will be worn with sooo much! And even better, all of these shoes were on sale! The guy told at Kohls told us they are marking down more shoes on Sep. 4th.

4. A pair of shoes for myself :) - I hardly ever buy shoes, but when I saw these on the sale rack, I couldn't pass them up! They were too cute and too cheap!! I paid a whopping 5.49 for them! Even better, I can wear them as the weather starts to get cooler! Yay!
5. Rob also let me buy a tank top for myself, that I will layer with shirts this fall. I couldn't resist the color-it reminded me of fall! Here is a picture! And once again, on sale!

7. Jean bermuda shorts for ariana
8. 2 pairs of uniform shorts for Gabriel-navy blue and khaki

12. School supplies for Gabriel- There were about a dozen things, not including tissues! It could've been worse, right? I'm so excited for him though, and most of the stuff was pretty cheap! Having three kids in school gets expensive!
13. This shirt in purple for Ella! - we're buying more for her next week, next pay day!

Shoe sales rock.
Can I just say that I love Ariana's new skirt? Too cute!
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