Gabriel had his karate testing last Friday night, and he did great! He went from an orange belt to being an orange belt decided. There is a black stripe on this one instead of being just a solid orange. After this, comes the yellow belt. I'm so proud of him, and he is truly proud of what he does. Although, he won't show us any karate moves. Rob peeked outside one day and some Gabriel doing some moves on the deck, but as soon as Rob opened the door, he stopped. He refused to show Rob what he was doing! :) It was cute. I think he feels like this is his own thing, so he wants to keep it to himself. Here are some pictures:
Here he is hanging out with friends before hand. He is the blonde sitting down.

Here they are warming up!

They are all bowing here to start the testing.

Here he is testing. The woman there does the moves with him. All of the younger kids do this.

More testing!

Here is our karate boy with his new belt! Yeah Gabriel!
Way to go, Gabriel! Keep up the good karate work! :-)
Congratulations to Gabriel!
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