. How far in advance do you start getting ready for back-to-school (whether for your own kids, or for yourself when you were in school)?
I start thinking of it pretty far in advance, and we start buying clothes a shoes typically 1 week before. Didn't go as planned this year, and we still need to buy for our oldest daughter. Not a big deal though, it will get done! We bought school supplies late this year too, we didn't have a list.
2. Do you have any picky eaters who need special considerations for lunches? What does a typical bagged lunch look like in your house?
My son is getting pickier everyday, so I try to make sure everything I pack is approved first ;) I want him to eat it all since he's in school all day now. He buys lunch as well because he loves everything they have! I will be switching back and forth through the week. The first lunch I packed for him consisted of a juice box, grapes, and lunchable that had cookies and ingredients to make a cracker sandwich! You know, lunch meat and cheese. It was a hit with him, but I won't do that every time.
3. What school supply items do you skimp on and what are you willing to shell out the big bucks for?
I didn't skimp. I got everything on the list because I know he will want to use the things. He is our little artist :)
4. Do you get your kids up, or do they get up on their own? Any snooze-hitters that have trouble waking up? How about the opposite, any kids that are up at the crack of dawn?
I have to get all of them up. It takes about 10 minutes to get my son out of bed, and the girls are much easier. Next week, I will be getting all of them up at the same time! ;( Wish me luck!
5. Any cafeteria horror stories? Is school food as bad as they say?
Their school food is great, and he loves it! We are very fortunate.
6. How important is it to you to make sure your kids have the latest styles and trendiest accessories?
Gabriel wears a uniform since he goes to private school (it's Catholic). I love it, and the fact that he's a boy makes it even easier! With the girls it might be a little harder, even with a uniform! They have jean day once a month though, so that's nice. I do all the shopping for him , and he pretty much just wears whatever I buy. He does seem to have a certain taste though, because he'll pick up certain shirts and say, " this one is really cool". Then, he'll want to wear that piece no matter what time of year it is! I had to fight with this summer over wearing one of his sweaters! Yeah, he's a crazy kid :)
7. Remember the movie Kindergarten Cop? If Arnold Schwarzenegger was your child's new kindergarten teacher, how would you feel?
I would feel like,"Ok, maybe he can make him listen! :)
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