Friday, October 31, 2008


HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! Here are some pictures of the Halloween festivities around the Jones house! We cleaned out the pumpkin yesterday and I carved it later on. I don't have a picture of that though! Then we all went trick-or-treating at 6pm yesterday. They had a ball and all loved their costumes! Ella was a queen, Ariana was a princess and Gabriel was the red power ranger. We were out for over an hour, and it was 39 F outside! BRRRRRRRR! They had a blast and daddy was able to join us half-way through the night. (he had to work yesterday)
So, enjoy the pics and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!

Ariana's Birthday!

Here is our friend Deidre with Ariana on the way back from the airport. She's holding a little puppy that we bought for her at Claire's. It says princess on it! And she was a princess for Halloween! She actually carried it around at her Halloween party yesterday.

Here she is at the play area in the mall.

This a picture of her and daddy right after they sang her Happy Birthday. She was still upset, and her ice cream ended up melting. :(

This was at the restaurant before she got upset. They are having a daddy and daughter moment!

Ariana running around the yard during the snow! You can't see it, but it's there!

This is when the snow first started , around 8:30 am. It was a lot at once! The picture doesn't show it as well!

Here she is when she first went outside. Doesn't she even look cold! You can see the snow sticking to the deck. That's all it did though.

Ariana's birthday was this past Wednesday, October 29th. It was such a special day and little, as well as big things, made it that way. First of all, the day started out with her waking up to snow. There was a light snow shower around the area, and it seemed to start right after she woke up. So after her brother and sister were off at school, Ariana put her coat on and went outside! She was catching flakes in her mouth, and it looked like the wind was about to blow her away!

Later on , Rob and I took her to a family restuarant around here that's very popular. She was specifically asking to go to Eat n Park. It's like a Denny's but better. Any way, we ate some lunch and then the waitress brought Ariana her free cookie they get after a meal. She ate that up. Then, a group of waitresses came around to our table and sang her Happy Birthday and then gave her a cup of ice cream with a huge candle stuck in it. Instead of being thrilled over this, she curled up in her daddy's chest and started to cry! They left her alone, and our waitress felt so bad! So they all left, and about a minute after that, Ariana threw up in Rob's hand. I took her to the restroom and she had a little more to get out, and then she was fine. We think that with a full belly and her getting worked up just upset her stomach. She was fine after that, and our waitress brought her a box of cookies and 2 quarters to help her feel better. They were so nice and so hospitable. I think I'm going to send her a card for all of her help.
So after the restaurant, we took her to the mall to play in the play area they have there. It is a perfect place to take kids when the weather outside is not so great. She had a ball with that.

We also had a surprise visitor come in that day. My friend Deidre from Florida flew in to visit for a couple of days. Ariana loved that, and the attention!
So here are a few pics from "her" day. Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Gabriel lost his first tooth!

Gabriel lost his first tooth at school yesterday and brought it home in a little baggie! He was so excited! He feels like such a big kid now! When he went to bed, we put his tooth in his "Welcome Tooth Fairy Pillow" that he got from Maw Maw when he was just a baby! Then, we hung it by his bed, and he woke up to find money under his pillow. He was ecstatic!! I told him that with each tooth he looses, the tooth fairy will leave a little extra money. That got him REALLY excited, and he actually started to check for other loose teeth. I quess he's got something in mind that he wants to buy with that money :) He's so cute!
So, he now knows what it is like to loose a tooth, and no longer has anxiety about it. He thought it would bleed, and it didn't; he thought it would hurt, and it did not hurt. The many experiences of childhood. What a joy!

Gabriel's special happenings!

Here is Gabriel at the bus stop the morning he left to go to Janoski's Farm. Kindergarten and first grade went there on a field trip on October 24th and they were gone the whole day. He loved it, and actually came back with straw in his pocket! It wasn't on purpose though, he just picked it up along the way! :) I even decked him out in a flannel shirt and told him, "you'll look really cool and you'll fit in perfectly." I didn't want to tell him he would look like a farmer 'cause he just wouldn't have gone for that ;)

Here he is with his gigantic trophee he got at the karate tournament last month. I tried to put these pics in order, but it just wasn't working! Sorry!

Here he is giving a high five to one of the karate instructors. Such a cool little dude he is!

Here is Gabriel with an instructor and another little boy that is at his same rank. They are about to take their turn.

Getting distracted by the camera. He is a total camera hog!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

One month update! It's been a while

The jack-o-lantern and the bundle of leaves sitting on the stool(on the left) both light up at night. I put orange lights in leaves. I love the glow! Also, I bought a wreath made of twigs and then decorated it myself. It's just enough to add that fall touch!
This is our porch all decorated for fall.
A beautiful fall picture from Brady's Run Park. The leaves were brighter, but it didn't come out that way when I took the picture. The day was also extremely overcast and dreary. Typical fall day around here and I love it!
Here is Gabriel after his karate testing. He is now a yellow belt!!

Ariana is now in karate as well! She also loves it! Here is picture that I took last week of the two of them after karate class. This was taken right outside the class.
Our little Ariana the day of Ella's party. She is such a ham in front of the camera!
So much has happened in this past month. I haven't posted in a while, and I wanted to share some pictures of the kids from September until the present.

Ella had her 5 year birthday party last month! That was a blast! I haven't posted a picture, but Gabriel had his karate tournament one weekend last month, and he received a very big trophy for doing a great job! He did so well! He proudly displays it in his room now. I will post pictures later. :)

Ariana is now doing karate along side her big brother. Ella will be doing it soon also. She just doesn't want to wear the uniform! Silly girl!

We are doing very well, and staying busy with life in general. All of the kids are enjoying school, and Gabriel is actually on a field trip today at a local farm.

I will post more I promise, it's just been crazy and my computer downstairs wasn't working. I will try to post pictures as I take them , and I hope so much my family is reading this!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Trip to Hozak Farms!

On Saturday this past weekend, we had an outing to one of our favorite farms: Hozak farms.
We had taken Gabriel there when he was just 16 months old, and we took him back several times with his baby sister Ella. She was just a couple months old. We were delighted to return there, it brought back so many memories! The kids had a blast! They did everything from jumping in straw, horse back riding, going on a haunted hayride, to sitting down in the charming gift shop they have and sipping hot chocolate! We had as much fun as they did I think! :) To end the trip we all picked out a family pumpkin that we'll carve very soon, and each child picked out a small pumpkin of their own. It was a time we won't forget, and next year we will be planning a trip back.

We got home late, and the kids were exhausted. They had a fun-filled day though and it sure shows in the pictures below. So enjoy and please come back and visit again!

Friday, October 3, 2008

1. October brightens my spirit because I love fall! It's my favorite season!
2. Skeletons and gore that you see in stores scare me!
3. Leaves are falling all around, it's clear that it's fall here in this town!
4. My favorite horror movie is nothing particular because I do not like them!
5. A day at a farm on a beautiful fall day = good memories.
6. It was a dark and stormy night and I was scared out of my wits just like my kids.:)
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to eating pizza, watching a movie with the kids and eating popcorn, tomorrow my plans include hopefully a little clothes shopping for the youngins and a trip to Hozak farm to pick some pumpkins and Sunday, I want to relax with the family !