It has been a while since I have blogged, but I am back and have photos to share of Ella's day!! Today is a big day for my oldest daughter...IT'S HER BIRTHDAY!! AND SHE IS FIVE!! Ella is 5 years old!! I Think I keep saying because it is still sooooo hard to believe!!
The picture above was taken outside our house this morning. She chose that specific spot "in the sun" as she put it. She immediately held her hands up to show how old she is now. She's so adorable!
She is very excited about turning 5, and last night it really hit her that today was the big day. So, we took daddy to work and little sister to school, and then we went to the park!! She didn't want to wait for Ariana, she said, "I want to go by myself". I thought that was so cute! Then we went to the store and she bought some M&M's and got to keep the change! (It was a penny, but she loved it).
The rest of the day has been all about what she wants to do, and we even visited daddy at work and munched on some cookies. The rest of the day will be pretty laid back, but she also gets to pick out what we're having for dinner.
She also got to pick out what kind of cake she wants (she picked a princess cake!) and she got to open two cards and a present! How exciting!
Time goes by too fast, and I still can't believe our little Ella is 5. So sad but wonderful at the same time.
Here are some pics, so enjoy, and leave a comment if you'd like, I love to read them!
She wanted a picture of the two of us, so I held out the camera and here is what we got!

It does go fast. I don't remember too many things in my past but I remember the day I met you at St. Philips MOPS. You only had one child then and you announced you were pregnant. (with Ella)
You are a great mom and I can't wait to get together with you soon! Hope you had a great day Ella! *~*HAPPY BIRTHDAY #5!*~*
Hey Lauren, it's so good to hear from you! You need to start a blog, they are wonderful! I love it! It is such a great way to journal, and at the same time share pictures and daily events with people that you're close with. We do need to get together, and quess what? I will be working every wednesday now! :( That is the day that Rob is off work, so that works out best.
I will talk to you soon though, and take care this week!
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