Tuesday, September 29, 2009
I want this!!
So, it's that time of year again. Fall comes, winter soon after, and we look in our closets and think, "I need something different". Whether it's a new shirt for the new season, a pair of shoes, maybe spurlge and get a new handbag. I myself, am very practical though. Being a stay-at-home mother has made me that way. Jeans and a sweater with a pair of cute boots in the cooler seasons, tee shirt and jeans or capris in the summer and spring. Well, I have changed a bit this season. Maybe it's because we have just moved and Rob and I are getting out a little more since we have free sitters. I don't know. What I do know is I want, want, want! I was on MSN just a little bit ago and I saw a headline that said, Voque's 20 under $100 fall essentials. Like I said, it's not that I don't like fashion, I love it! I wish I could just go shopping for clothes with no spending limit! My job just doesn't demand me to have the latest trends on hand. ;) So let me get to it. I love these two things that you see below. They look great together! The scarf is from target, which I could do. The boots are priced at $90 though, but I love the look! I don't know when or where I would wear them, but I would make a date with my husband so I could wear it! I don't even know how to put on a scarf like that, but heck, I would figure it out! So now I want to go buy these things. Even though I want or can't , I have officially been suckered in!

Thursday, September 24, 2009
Ella lost her tooth!
So as you can see by these most bee-utiful pictures, our little Ella has lost her first tooth! I blogged about it a few days ago, but I didn't have any pictures. So to recap, she lost her first tooth on her 6th birthday, which was last Friday the 18th. The tooth itself was dying, and had been looser than loose for a good two months, so we decided to do it the old fashioned way and just pull it out. Now, after seeing it bleed the day before from my first attempt to pull it, and hearing the squeals coming from Ella, I decided to ask for help this time. Her cousin Brittany gladly helped out and Ella was thrilled she lost her first tooth! She came running in the room yelling, " I lost my first tooth! I lost my first tooth! Finally!" She was thrilled and so were we. Her "big girl tooth" was already growing in behind it and had been doing so for a while. These milestones in our children's lives, they never get old, never seem to repeat, with each child that goes through these milestones. They are always new and special, and it is amazing to watch. Now Ella is such a big girl. Turned six, lost a tooth, learned to ride a bike with no training wheels a couple of months ago, and on top of those things, she learned how to tie her shoes. She had been practicing at school she said, during movies and times like that. As of yesterday, she got it down pat. I can't believe what I see before my eyes. Our children are growing up so fast...too fast. God bless 'em though. They seem to already know where they want to go and where they want to be. Lord watch over them everyday, always.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

So starts one of my favorite times of the year, but my favorite season by far. Today is the first day of fall, and although I am not sure who may be reading this, I want to wish you the many joys that this season has to offer. Go for a walk and collect leaves with your children. Head out to a local orchard or pumpkin patch and pick an apple or two. Or simply look around at everything fall. Or do what I love to do. Take a drive during the peak season, and take it all in. All the wonder of this lovely season. Who would think that the leaves are dying in the fall. They are so beautiful. It is truly a gift from God. Enjoy all..enjoy fall. I know I will.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Eventful, tiring, and fun weekend!
Well, this weekend has been a very busy weekend! It started off on Friday, which was Ella's birthday. The kids didn't have school, so that made it extra special. We started the morning with Ella's choice of breakfast, which was cinnamon rolls. She got a blue candle (her favorite color) in one of her cinnamon rolls, and I lit it and we all sang Happy Birthday. Who says you have to wait for the birthday party?
Later in the morning, I asked Ella to open her mouth so I could check out her loose teeth. She had four loose teeth at the time. Well, the really loose tooth on the bottom of her mouth had turned black. I am assuming that it died, probably from the pull I gave it the day before. It didn't budge but it made a popping sound. It was ready to come out but it started bleeding so I stopped. I am a weak mommy! Any way, I went to her cousin Brittany and told her about the situation. I also told Rob and he agreed that it needed to come out. Well, I couldn't bring myself to pull at it anymore, so Brittany agreed to pull it out. She left the room with Ella, and they both came back with a huge grin. Ella looked at us and said, "My loose tooth is gone! I lost my first tooth!" Brittany had pulled it out with no pain felt by Ella! And it didn't bleed! I quess the pull I had given it the day before knocked it out just about. It took someone other than mommy to finish the job though!
So after a playful, eventful daytime on Friday with their cousin Landon (and little rest time), Maw Maw treated the kids to their favorite indoor play place called Extreme Sports. They had a ball, literally. Ella was very happy about her special day, and that's what counted most.
Saturday morning we were all bracing for a busy day. It started with an early wake up to get ready to go to the Apple Festival Parade in Murphysboro, Il. It is considered the biggest parade in Southern Illinois, and is a joy for both children and adults. We parked at Rob's cousin's house and were set to walk about a block. Well, we ended up needing to walk a little further that, about 8 blocks further I believe. It was a perfect day for it though. The sun was beating down at one point and it was already beginning to feel unbearable out. Then the clouds rolled in and allowed everyone to march and watch in comfort. It was great. Apples were handed to the kids, one at a time. Flags were passed out, tee shirts were thrown, as well as candy of course. It was simply great. It lasted almost 2 hours! It was sooo worth it though.
After the parade we headed for pizza hut for lunch. With full bellies and tired bodies, we headed home. One adult (myself) and two children slept on the drive home. What beautiful countryside we drove through! All of this is still new to me, you know, the corn fields and all. And the flat land. :)
With about an hour of rest after returning home, Rob, me and the kids got ready to head out again. This time, we were headed to a company picnic, brought to you by Rob's friend Jeff. Rob isn't with Jeff's company, but friends were invited as well. They rented out Rent One Park for the night, home of the Southern Illinois Miners minor leaque baseball team. About 150 people were there. There were toys and games for the kids in one area, and softball and kickball as well. The kids got to go out on the field for a game of kickball, and they didn't really know how to play but they had a blast! I think they were thrilled to just be out on the field. They were getting hot there, so God threw them a dose of rain. It rained pretty good for about 5 minutes and then stopped. Pretty soon after they were running through the stands to say they were done and ready to go home. :) It was a fun evening though, for both kids and adults. Rob and I got some time together and with other couples, just mingling and chatting. It was pretty nice, and a good end to a great day.
So we all got some rest Saturday night for Ella's party on Sunday. What a packed weekend, huh? Maw Maw cooked a great big breakfast for all of us. Their cousin Landon was over so the kids played while the adults enjoyed coffee and conversation. After we rounded up presents and decorations, we got the ball rolling for her party to start.
Ella picked a princess cake, so thanks to Wal-Mart, she had a beautiful cake with a light Cinderellla and two other princesses as well. Oh, what a great party she had! She dressed to the 9's and Brittany did her hair for her, just the way she wanted it; in pig tails! She looked absolutely beautiful! She is truly a girly girl! I will post pictures of all this later on this week.
After getting a quick preview of her cake, the present opening began! She got presents ranging from money, to headbands, a jewelery kit, and a make-your-own handbag kit. Rob and I plan to take her shopping with her birthday money next weekend. I would also like to put some aside into a savings account.
Her birthday was a blast for her though. She was pampered and spoiled, and it was truly her day. Well, her weekend! She enjoyed every bit of it and she was so enthusiastic about every present she opened. She is so sweet. She is our sweet little Ella, but not so little anymore. It is so sad to see them grow up, but so wonderful too. I still can't believe she is 6 years old already, with one less tooth.
Later in the morning, I asked Ella to open her mouth so I could check out her loose teeth. She had four loose teeth at the time. Well, the really loose tooth on the bottom of her mouth had turned black. I am assuming that it died, probably from the pull I gave it the day before. It didn't budge but it made a popping sound. It was ready to come out but it started bleeding so I stopped. I am a weak mommy! Any way, I went to her cousin Brittany and told her about the situation. I also told Rob and he agreed that it needed to come out. Well, I couldn't bring myself to pull at it anymore, so Brittany agreed to pull it out. She left the room with Ella, and they both came back with a huge grin. Ella looked at us and said, "My loose tooth is gone! I lost my first tooth!" Brittany had pulled it out with no pain felt by Ella! And it didn't bleed! I quess the pull I had given it the day before knocked it out just about. It took someone other than mommy to finish the job though!
So after a playful, eventful daytime on Friday with their cousin Landon (and little rest time), Maw Maw treated the kids to their favorite indoor play place called Extreme Sports. They had a ball, literally. Ella was very happy about her special day, and that's what counted most.
Saturday morning we were all bracing for a busy day. It started with an early wake up to get ready to go to the Apple Festival Parade in Murphysboro, Il. It is considered the biggest parade in Southern Illinois, and is a joy for both children and adults. We parked at Rob's cousin's house and were set to walk about a block. Well, we ended up needing to walk a little further that, about 8 blocks further I believe. It was a perfect day for it though. The sun was beating down at one point and it was already beginning to feel unbearable out. Then the clouds rolled in and allowed everyone to march and watch in comfort. It was great. Apples were handed to the kids, one at a time. Flags were passed out, tee shirts were thrown, as well as candy of course. It was simply great. It lasted almost 2 hours! It was sooo worth it though.
After the parade we headed for pizza hut for lunch. With full bellies and tired bodies, we headed home. One adult (myself) and two children slept on the drive home. What beautiful countryside we drove through! All of this is still new to me, you know, the corn fields and all. And the flat land. :)
With about an hour of rest after returning home, Rob, me and the kids got ready to head out again. This time, we were headed to a company picnic, brought to you by Rob's friend Jeff. Rob isn't with Jeff's company, but friends were invited as well. They rented out Rent One Park for the night, home of the Southern Illinois Miners minor leaque baseball team. About 150 people were there. There were toys and games for the kids in one area, and softball and kickball as well. The kids got to go out on the field for a game of kickball, and they didn't really know how to play but they had a blast! I think they were thrilled to just be out on the field. They were getting hot there, so God threw them a dose of rain. It rained pretty good for about 5 minutes and then stopped. Pretty soon after they were running through the stands to say they were done and ready to go home. :) It was a fun evening though, for both kids and adults. Rob and I got some time together and with other couples, just mingling and chatting. It was pretty nice, and a good end to a great day.
So we all got some rest Saturday night for Ella's party on Sunday. What a packed weekend, huh? Maw Maw cooked a great big breakfast for all of us. Their cousin Landon was over so the kids played while the adults enjoyed coffee and conversation. After we rounded up presents and decorations, we got the ball rolling for her party to start.
Ella picked a princess cake, so thanks to Wal-Mart, she had a beautiful cake with a light Cinderellla and two other princesses as well. Oh, what a great party she had! She dressed to the 9's and Brittany did her hair for her, just the way she wanted it; in pig tails! She looked absolutely beautiful! She is truly a girly girl! I will post pictures of all this later on this week.
After getting a quick preview of her cake, the present opening began! She got presents ranging from money, to headbands, a jewelery kit, and a make-your-own handbag kit. Rob and I plan to take her shopping with her birthday money next weekend. I would also like to put some aside into a savings account.
Her birthday was a blast for her though. She was pampered and spoiled, and it was truly her day. Well, her weekend! She enjoyed every bit of it and she was so enthusiastic about every present she opened. She is so sweet. She is our sweet little Ella, but not so little anymore. It is so sad to see them grow up, but so wonderful too. I still can't believe she is 6 years old already, with one less tooth.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Always remember
On this day, 8 years ago, Rob and I woke up to a phone call to see if we were ok. Turned on the T.V., and we were both in shock...didn't think it was real, as we saw smoke coming from the first tower. Then we headed for the Doctor to find out ...that we were going to be parents in a few short months. Then it sank in some more. So sad to hear the commotion on the radio. Soon after, we saw a plane strike the 2nd tower. I think all of our loved ones called us at one time that day, not knowing if we were in the sky, on the ground, or where we were. I remember feeling so happy about our news, but I was in tears for what I was witnessing on the television. God bless all of those lost and the ones that lived. God is watching over you always, and he is comforting you and those that perished. We will never forget.
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