The jack-o-lantern and the bundle of leaves sitting on the stool(on the left) both light up at night. I put orange lights in leaves. I love the glow! Also, I bought a wreath made of twigs and then decorated it myself. It's just enough to add that fall touch!

This is our porch all decorated for fall.

A beautiful fall picture from Brady's Run Park. The leaves were brighter, but it didn't come out that way when I took the picture. The day was also extremely overcast and dreary. Typical fall day around here and I love it!

Here is Gabriel after his karate testing. He is now a yellow belt!!

Ariana is now in karate as well! She also loves it! Here is picture that I took last week of the two of them after karate class. This was taken right outside the class.

Our little Ariana the day of Ella's party. She is such a ham in front of the camera!

So much has happened in this past month. I haven't posted in a while, and I wanted to share some pictures of the kids from September until the present.
Ella had her 5 year birthday party last month! That was a blast! I haven't posted a picture, but Gabriel had his karate tournament one weekend last month, and he received a very big trophy for doing a great job! He did so well! He proudly displays it in his room now. I will post pictures later. :)
Ariana is now doing karate along side her big brother. Ella will be doing it soon also. She just doesn't want to wear the uniform! Silly girl!
We are doing very well, and staying busy with life in general. All of the kids are enjoying school, and Gabriel is actually on a field trip today at a local farm.
I will post more I promise, it's just been crazy and my computer downstairs wasn't working. I will try to post pictures as I take them , and I hope so much my family is reading this!