1. It seems like the winter is dragging, the groundhog seems to have been right!
2. Flush when you're done, please? My children can't grasp the concept of flushing, except for maybe my oldest child. This answer was inspired by my friend Dawn. I just read her blog, and she had a similar potty answer :) I can't help it, these tend to be the things on my/our minds! We're mothers of young children!
3. If I thought you had a suprise for me I'd be thrilled! I really need one right now!
4. Loving you is what I think of most when I think of you.
5. To me, Valentine's Day means what do you think? Love of course! Showering your loved ones (as long as their around) with kisses and hugs galore! It not just about romantic love, it's about all of those that we care about too!
6. God gives me strength, always!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to being with my kids, and enjoying my son who is FINALLY well, tomorrow my plans include creating "hearts" with pancakes, cookies and a cake and going out with Rob in the evening and Sunday, I want to stay home, but I have to work! I am thankful that I got Saturday off though.
we basically had the same answer to #5 :-)
I am so glad that Gabriel is feeling better. I do hope you are having a nice time out tonight. :-)
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