God has called us to be blessings, and we are. We bless many people in big ways as well as little ones that seem insignificant. However, no blessing is insignificant. No blessing goes unnoticed by our Father. How have you been a blessing this week? I look forward to reading all about it on your blog. :-)
I would like to share this Meme that my great friend Dawn has come up with. It is all her own, she came up with this idea herself, and I want to be the first to say that I think it is a FABULOUS idea! I am excited to participate in this every week, and I pray that others will follow soon after as well. Thank you dear Dawn for sharing this idea, and may it be a blessing to all of you who participate. I know it will be for myself. My post is below.
This past week has been emotionally rough for Rob's parents. John, Rob's dad, was diagnosed with non-hodgkins lymphoma 8 years ago. It has been in remission for 7 years now, but after an X-ray that showed a spot in his left lung, emotions and nerves have run high for the two of them for the past couple of weeks. This past week on Friday, he was to have a C.T. scan done on that lung to find out more about the spot on his lung. Right before John and Donna left for the appointment , I went to each of them individually and gave them a big hug and reassured them that everything would be alright, now matter what happens. Donna is just trying to stay strong on the outside even though on the inside she may be screaming and crying for everything to be alright. I just can't imagine. I feel that showing them how much I care through my words and actions, that maybe I was a blessing to them at that moment. I'd like to think I was any way. ;)
This meme has gotten me to look at everything I do, big or small, in a different way. Let's just say, it is changing my perspective a little bit. I hope and pray that God gives me the strength, power, and willingness to be a blessing in my family's life everyday that he gives me the chance to be.
1 comment:
Jen, you were always a blessing to me, but you surely were a blessing to John & Donna at that moment. You showed them compassion and love. That is exactly what Jesus would have done. Thank you for playing along. I love you! :-)
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