Here are just a few of the pictures I took while we were there. The kids were constantly outside running and playing. I wish they would do that at our house! They were worn out by the end of the night!
We also took a trip to the local pool, which I think was the hit of the trip. It was kind of cool out by the time we got there, but the kids could care less. We stayed for about 2 hours and they loved it! Gabriel practiced his swimming, Ella was introduced to the deeper end (4 ft.), and Ariana felt what it's like to be able to stand in the big pool! (3 ft.) The water came right up to her bottom lip, but bless her heart she walked around, spitting water out of her mouth and then swimming over to daddy!
Oh, and I forgot to mention, my sister and her husband have their own restaurant. Yeah and it's right in their back yard! 0 My brother-n-law grilled out 2 times while we there! Rob and I joked that it was their restaurant. :) Thanks again you guys!
Well enjoy the pictures!

All of cousins dancing around with their popsicles. They were waving to me from outside. From the left: Gabriel, Ella, Ethan, Ariana and Anna. Aren't they too cute?!

Grandma gave the kids these squirt guns, but they weren't guns. They were like pumps. Anyway, you suck water up in them and push the opposite end, and here she is filling one up. Bad idea Grandma! What did they do then? Refer to the picture below this one.

I love it!

Here is my sister icing Ethan's cake for his 3rd birthday party the next day. She did this late in the evening and I wanted to help out or watch, but I was resting in their chair with strep. I felt worse than earlier in the day and I felt so bad that I couldn't help more. She did an awesome job and I think I would like to start decorating cakes for our kids' b-days. It was awesome seeing Ethan's reaction to it and seeing how yummy it was to him! And she made it, she didn't buy it from Wal-mart like I usually do :) Thank you Wal-mart, but I really don't want you to make my kids' birthday cakes anymore. I want to!

Ethan opening his birthday presents at his party. I am so glad we were able to be there for it!

Aunt Lori with the kids. Where? The hammock! I think she was half asleep ; )

Just don't grow up too quick sweety!

My sister and I at the end of the trip. Love you Lori!

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