Monday, February 9, 2009

Monday morning Meme

1. How many coats do you own? Do have a good coat? Casual coat? Summer jacket? etc. Do you wear coats very often? Or do you have a tendency to leave your coat at home whenever you go out? What is your favorite coat? Why is this one your favorite? Care to model it for us?

I have a few coats, but I am awful picky so I only wear one. And, it's the one that keeps me the warmest. It is a brown puff coat. It may not look like a million bucks and it's cheap, but it keeps me warm. What's funny is that I have a good double breasted wool coat, but I never wear it. I bought it when I was pregnant and it's a bit too big. It is nice though. I love to stay warm, so I always wear a coat in the winter. Gloves also. I am not afraid to put that baby on once the temps start to dip! I have a black puff vest that I wear when it's not that cold out. It really works too! It's just enough in the spring and fall. I love it!

2. You’ve learned a thing or two about this thing we call blogging. Tell us one thing you don’t recommend to other bloggers. Tell us one thing you do recommend to other bloggers.

Don't get too private. Others can read it and access it, so it's good not to get too specific. That's just my opinion though. It's definitely not like your journal that you keep by your bed :) I do recommend letting your loved ones know you have one so they can keep up with you and what's going on. Even if your family lives right down the road, I think it's a good idea!

3. Is cursive writing a lost art? Should good penmanship be taught? Tell us about your handwriting - good / bad? Do you think your children have good handwriting (given their appropriate age, of course).

I teach my oldest to write neat, at least I try, because yes I think it's important. It kind of says who you are. Some people are too lazy or too laid back to even try to write neat. I don't agree with that. My son tries to just get by with his hand writing, but I am right there to tell him to erase and start over. They have to learn, right?

4. Have you ever struggled with infertility? If you haven’t, or if it wasn’t the hardest thing you’ve ever had to go through — what was?

We had no problems having children. We were wondering if we were going to keep having them :) We got that taken care of! ;)


Jodi said...

Happy Monday to you! I was kinda stunned when I read your comment, as I knew it wasn't me with the blog contest, as I have been blogging for several years now. Then a light bulb went off.... Dawn meant this Jodi.

Dawn said...

You surely did not have any problem having those kiddos! ;-)

By the way, Jodi directed you to the right Jodi. Was my linky thing not working?